You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
I'd be happy if I had more time off work. Sate makes me happy, too, but only for a brief time.
zeta - sixth letter of the Greek alphabet
I've never tried them with sate sauce, but that sounds really nice.
I had our organic fries with sate sauce already, it's really worth a try
I was inspired to make something a bit tasty and different tonight and had it with just a bit of rice to take up the water. I used sesame oil (my favourite), Chinese five spice, soy sauce and some sate sauce, with garlic, to flavour some nutolene (a peanut based meat substitute) and momen tofu, and I had some garlic mushrooms - just barely cooked - on the side. A bit of a mish mash, but it was nice and satisfied the meat cravings. I haven't been shopping for a week or so, and even though the cupboard is far from bare, there isn't much that I feel like eating.
Michael, how are your headaches going?
Oh, that sounds really tasty :)
Luckily my headaches are currently on vacation, and I hope that will stay so for quite a while. They would be a nuisance during our move. We'll see...
@9235: Dez that sounds delicious!
Michael: I hope the headaches are making a worldtour and will stay away a long time
We will begin moving on the 20th of June. Till then Christa packs one packing case every day, this is not too stressful. That 20th will be a hard day for Mimi. We will have to catch her, get her into that little transport box and then she will have a taxi drive with me to our new unit. We will lock her in the kitchen there the whole day while the movers build up most of the furniture.
Yes, Christine, as far as I'm concerned the headaches might well go on a one-way-trip to Mars. Maybe the Botox injections finally help to give me longer intervals without attacks, but I'm sure sometimes they will come back. They always have been very loyal companions.
Poor Mimi might revert to her old fear for a few days. but once she sees the familiar furniture and knows you are both there, she will settle down. My blind cat used to freak out at the sound of workman's boots. I could not comfort him. he was consumed with fear. Moving first to the Sunshine coast and then here, I had to carry him in a doona cover in my car - my son would try to comfort him and let him on his lap, etc. He was miserable in the cat cage and would never have lasted the trips without having a breakdown. As it was, it was all a bit much for him. But he always settled down eventually, and would walk around patting the walls like a blind man to get his bearings. Once he found his favourite chair, he knew just how high to jump to land safely and he felt at home.
Where did you have the injections, Michael? I mean where on your body?
Yes, we expect that Mimi will cry for some days, but then there is that huge new terrace to discover as a playground. So we hope she will like the new place and settles down soon.
The injections are around the head and in the neck. This also helps against neck pain because I sit in front of the computer here in my office for so many hours. That is a nice side effect. Expensive enough - 1 187,52 AUD (800 €) every three month those injections, luckily my health insurance pays for it.
Wow! But the relief is probably worth every penny. do the injections hurt much? And do you feel any paralysis of your muscles after?
No, it doesn't hurt much. It feels like acupuncture, if you have any experience with that, the needles are very thin. The muscles feel relaxed and free of pain, that is really nice.
Michael; I'm glad the treatment works and that your health-insurance covers the expences and with a new house maybe 2014 will be a very good year for you (at least better than last year)