You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
I succesfully upgraded my Mac to OSX Maverick, downloading +5Gig took 4 hours, installing 50 minutes ;-)
I know I know Maverick has been around for a looooong time (I was still using Lion)
Wow - I wish I knew what you were talking about! LOL I've never had a Mac.
well to be honest Apple does all the work for you, it sounds interesting installing a new OS but really it's mostly waiting and waiting, click yes, wait, wait and there done!
thanks Gesine
I am trying to get started on the Kingsday socks I promised you last year
currently I am knitting two pairs of socks but alas not the orange ones
I'm planning to use this pattern
*in orange wool*
Wow nice pattern
I didn't install a Mac I only looked someone over the shoulder. :-)
My system is really simple to install and to handle. I use Kubuntu, a Linux distribution and I can say I never want to change back to Windows.
thank you, thank you
haven't started yet..
Kingsday is on April 26 this year
Willem's birthday is April 27 but that is a Sunday....
My son's birthday is April 26. What will you give Willem?
Oh, I thought you meant your pet! You meant the king?
yes I meant King Willem IV hihihi
Ed&Willem's birthday is in February, and I forgot to give them a treat
I received a report, what shall I do with it, send it to the NSA?
slip, knit. I will go on as if nothing happened.
What happened? Nothing!
The NSA knows that nothing happened. Rest assured of that!