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RGBStock.com file used in:

1. Zela20 February 2010, 17:28 GMT +01:00

My cloud picture was used in a contest: http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-picture/4b798cf74ce62/Games-People-Play.htm

There is a credit but the url was forgotten and could not be added anymore since the contest was closed. There is however a source link to the file on the bottom of the page to RGBStock.com. Every little bit helps ;-)

If you have files used or work to show please drop them here. I would love to see it!

650. jazza3 September 2014, 23:12 GMT +02:00

An other good referal to rgbstock.com

651. micromoth4 September 2014, 19:57 GMT +02:00

Really nice to see this, and to see RGB Stock rated so high!

652. xymonau5 September 2014, 18:00 GMT +02:00

A few of mine that I found tonight:



http://puttinghopetowork.com/ (the skull)


653. xymonau12 September 2014, 7:11 GMT +02:00


654. coolhewitt2313 September 2014, 15:16 GMT +02:00


Its nice to see my picture online.

655. micromoth14 September 2014, 17:41 GMT +02:00

@654 Congratulations - a good shot, well used.

656. ColinBrough15 September 2014, 22:19 GMT +02:00

Not credited on the site, but one of the four images in the loop on the front page of Abertay Housing Association's site is mine:


Particularly pleasing as I know and work with the folk in this housing association in my "day" job, but their use of my image is purely coincidental!

657. xymonau16 September 2014, 1:36 GMT +02:00

Nice one, Colin.

@654 - A great picture and credit.

658. jazza17 September 2014, 14:41 GMT +02:00

I see a lot of cool pages and photos. Well done everyone!

Here is an other one:

659. xymonau17 September 2014, 15:41 GMT +02:00

Nice one, Jay. And from Brisbane, too.

660. ColinBrough18 September 2014, 14:01 GMT +02:00

Not strictly a usage, but noticed that this image:


was downloaded today of all days! Hmmm... (If you are not aware, Scotland is voting today on whether to become independent of the rest of the UK!)

661. coolhewitt2319 September 2014, 16:59 GMT +02:00



I guess more people are coming to RGB for pictures. Getty websites are too expensive for bloggers.

662. micromoth20 September 2014, 7:29 GMT +02:00

@661 Excellent usage and link!

663. xymonau2 October 2014, 10:45 GMT +02:00

@661 - excellent image, and very useful for that article.

664. jazza3 October 2014, 8:37 GMT +02:00

A lot of creadits on this page:

665. micromoth3 October 2014, 17:39 GMT +02:00

@664 Wow! That's one of the most professionally-done pages of accreditations I've ever seen.

666. ColinBrough5 October 2014, 22:56 GMT +02:00

http://dailytwocents.com/men-can-get-breast-cancer/ - credit is to the whole site, rather than specifically the image...

667. xymonau6 October 2014, 12:21 GMT +02:00

Colin, that isn't taking me to the article. I waited and waited thinking the page may load slowly, but I just got a header saying "Life" and no article.

668. ColinBrough6 October 2014, 14:03 GMT +02:00

Hmmm, you are right - it took me there yesterday! Weirdly, if I use their search page it show up the top of the article (my pic is at the end), but clicking through gets the "Life" thing too.

It was this image being used: http://www.rgbstock.com/photo/n9ExeLg

669. xymonau7 October 2014, 4:24 GMT +02:00

I'm sorry we couldn't see it, Colin, but it's a great photo. Useful stock as well. I love the countryside in the background.

670. jazza10 October 2014, 22:37 GMT +02:00

some Rgbstock photos are used in this youtube clip

I think one of my photos in on the book cover too.

671. xymonau11 October 2014, 0:39 GMT +02:00

Excellent. Were you contacted about the cover, Jay?

Here is one by lusi used by an Australian university: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/adelaidean/image15491/measuring_tape.jpg.html

672. jazza11 October 2014, 23:31 GMT +02:00

nice one too.
Yes. I was contacted and I am fine with it.

673. micromoth14 October 2014, 18:47 GMT +02:00

One of my shots used on a blog about food and drink intolerance - http://www.yorktest.com/blog/why-am-i-always-tired/

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