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Competition - start formatting

1. iikozen9 February 2010, 16:42 GMT +01:00

I believe one thing we could do while Jay and Lennie are working on the technical aspects of the site is, we could start formatting some kinds of competitions.
I remember when we use to have fun with them, challenging members to go out and shoot, share their new images and so on...

Trine, Maciek, Simona, Vinny, Scott, Dez, Lynne, Hilary, David, Nathan and everyone else... (sorry, I couldn't write all names here)

I would like to see a new beggining on that!

If we set the rules for competition to take place yearly, maybe not only once a year, but maybe twice a year, that would atract the members here, not only the veterans but also new ones.

Having the rules and schedule planned, and the FORUM BRASIL rgbstock running, so I brazilians that don't speak English would have a place "of their own", I would like to contribute my share (U$) so we can buy a prize for the winner. Paypal Donate Button needed ;)

I believe, in the future, when the site is running full throttle and the people that dedicate their time (work) to the site are getting their compensation, part of the "proffit" could go to international competition (for members) in the form of tuition for shooting trips or something like that, being the product of such shooting returned to the community for free.

What do you guys think?


26. xymonau21 February 2010, 9:49 GMT +01:00

I'm sure I wrote this before, but it's gone. I am unable to send the information as the contact click isn't working. At least on two browsers. If it's working for you, please send me a message and I can reply to it. Our techs are sleeping (again!!). LOL

27. lennie21 February 2010, 11:38 GMT +01:00

What happends if you try this one ? Their is no gallery, maybe the galleries are the problem ?


28. xymonau21 February 2010, 13:07 GMT +01:00

Nope. No response. Can you connect?

29. xymonau21 February 2010, 13:07 GMT +01:00

30. fishmonk21 February 2010, 14:00 GMT +01:00

i have sent you one just now. If that's what you meant...

31. xymonau21 February 2010, 15:25 GMT +01:00

And I sent it back without the attachment. I'll try again!

32. fishmonk21 February 2010, 16:10 GMT +01:00

Got it. Will look over & get back to you. Thanks. Hope you get browser sorted.

33. Stephen28 February 2010, 13:03 GMT +01:00

Missed this thread but just got on to it - what think you about a comp related to skill development rather than theme based. I am thinking that an image is offered up to everyone to be reworked according to set guidelines. I'd love to see what different people could do with my images lolllllll. You know the pic you work like hell on to get the ideal composition, colour balance, contrast, etc. I worked my most dloaded sxc beach image up to a standard I liked only to find a french 'how to' website used it to show how much better it could be!!!! And, ok, I preferred my version but I wasn't game to print the two off side by side!!!

Just a thought. Site looking great btw.

34. weirdvis28 February 2010, 19:43 GMT +01:00

Many moons ago, back at our old alma mater, there was an informal photoshop manipulation competition, more of a friendly challenge really, which produced some amazing art.

In my opinion, anything, be it challenge or competition, that helps people to improve their skills, is worth the effort.

35. Stephen28 February 2010, 22:33 GMT +01:00

Challenge, yes such a better concept

36. xymonau28 February 2010, 23:58 GMT +01:00

When I was a moderator at a PhotoImpact board, I used to set all sorts of challenges. One that was popular I called "Pass the parcel". We would start with an image, and do a modification, then pass it to the next person. The one rule was that there still had to be portions of the image that were clearly recognisable. It was a lot of fun, and it was fascinating to see the results. That, of course, was image manipulation, not enhancement. Let's get through the themed one first, and then we will have a logo comp - necessary for our needs - and then we can look at other things. There is nothing to stop you challenging others withiin the forums on an informal basis, but You can have too many things going on at once.

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