We've almost reached 100,000 members chaps and chapesses. Not bad for two years work. Not bad at all.
And we are there! Time to break out the champagne, folks! I wonder how long it will take to reach 200,000?
Not two but three years Lynne but anyway, a wonderful work at this site.
...and we go on.
Thank you all for your help building this wonderful project. I am very proud we got this far. And the best thing is: we only just begun...
And we have good champagne supplies on stock :)
So let's keep on rocking...
Three years? Oops! Looks down back of sofa to find the one that fell out of my pocket...
And rgbstock is soo much cooler and with much better functionality than the old site! Just a pity that the downloaders still use the other site more.
Once we get the number of quality images up there, we'll have the traffic, too.
rgbstock has over 100.000 members and lusi has over 100.000 downloads
great numbers !!
Well, fanbeihai, You'll soon know the place well. Welcome! And our numbers are increasing every day.