Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
you have my dear, mmm, well, my feet are getting smaller,,,,or its me belly's getting bigger :O) as i,m starting to see less off um!
"...So what if I can't tie my shoelace?
So what if I can't see my toes?
I remember what most of 'em look like,
So there's really no need to see those..."
From a really old "Life - Be in It " campaign over here.
I can still see mine, but the floor is getting further and further away, and I have to pack a cut lunch if I'm going to pick something off the floor. I usually try to do everything else that I have to while I'm down there, because I might not get back up if I try twice. My knees - which have improved since I started taking vegetarian glucosamine and omega 3 - have let me down badly in recent years. I am very disappointed in them. I thought I could trust them.
Your a star gurl, I creek like a old gate, but you have to keep going dont ya, I was disabled off from work as such, so have to keep myself mobile or they told me i,ll end up a "wheelie bad boy" and i dont want that, not yet anyways..
Nope, you need to move around or you will lose it. I know my knees get better once I have some gentle exercise. They get worse when I sit in a chair all day. Trust me to have a desk job.
Jogging around your desk,,i can see you now,,ooooooh watch the printer, ooooh and the hat stand,,,better sit down for a minute :O)
I can barely swing a cat in my office. The cat was quite offended when I tried. So I can only get around one side of my desk. I should go walking in my lunch break, although I usually have to answer the phones while the other worker dishes up lunch. I need to get more active. I'm as fat as a pig, and I'm getting old now.
Good heavens above Gurl fat and old in the same sentence that will never do, now come on lets do a couple of star jumps together, now run on the spot, pick those knees up,,, Knees up!!!! Phew, cup o tea and a doughnut now just to relax mmmm!
Na i dont like too munch milk, or dairy producks yoo knows that Dezzie, if i eats or drinks dairy producks i feels sick almost instantly, so NO, just a cuppa with a dash of milk one sugar cause Ma as hallways said i is sweet enough..
Na, Ma said i iz a sweet as a chewed up toffee an that gud nough four me!
Has yoo very well no, i chew um till they is soft then Ma takes hover.
I never spits. I takes the food out wif clean fingers an' I arrays it on the platter. You don't get service like THAT in yer average fancy restaurant, now do you?
Not at all, you dont even get service with a smile any more, they not even polite like what we is, i dunno what the world is coming to, tell ya, t'iz a mess!
Never mind. At least there's you an' me to give it some class, hey?
You is right there Dezzie, if it wont four us the place wood go all two pot!
I likes the way you holds your Mam's teefs like a gennleman jus' before you pulles 'em outa her mouf. You is even classy enough to wipe 'em on the leg of your pants before you pops 'em into your mouf. That's posh, that is. I never seen posh like that in the Antipodes.
True Dezzie, all true, a rare trate indeed, and i practise bein a gentlemon every day yoo no, just to make sure i is the best i can bee...