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Competition - start formatting

1. iikozen9 February 2010, 16:42 GMT +01:00

I believe one thing we could do while Jay and Lennie are working on the technical aspects of the site is, we could start formatting some kinds of competitions.
I remember when we use to have fun with them, challenging members to go out and shoot, share their new images and so on...

Trine, Maciek, Simona, Vinny, Scott, Dez, Lynne, Hilary, David, Nathan and everyone else... (sorry, I couldn't write all names here)

I would like to see a new beggining on that!

If we set the rules for competition to take place yearly, maybe not only once a year, but maybe twice a year, that would atract the members here, not only the veterans but also new ones.

Having the rules and schedule planned, and the FORUM BRASIL rgbstock running, so I brazilians that don't speak English would have a place "of their own", I would like to contribute my share (U$) so we can buy a prize for the winner. Paypal Donate Button needed ;)

I believe, in the future, when the site is running full throttle and the people that dedicate their time (work) to the site are getting their compensation, part of the "proffit" could go to international competition (for members) in the form of tuition for shooting trips or something like that, being the product of such shooting returned to the community for free.

What do you guys think?


2. dragonariaes9 February 2010, 21:27 GMT +01:00

Competitions are always fun. : 3

3. xymonau10 February 2010, 2:47 GMT +01:00

We could have a different prize - start small! - of maybe the winner's photo or graphic displayed on the front page for a week or something. (Not promising, but that is desirable, and doesn't cost anything.) All new images, and possibly something with the site colours (to match). Maybe an Easter image, as that's next after Valentines day. When is Easter this year?

I wonder if it's possible for an email to be sent to all members, as only a few will see the forum.

4. iikozen10 February 2010, 12:14 GMT +01:00

Totally agree with you Dez!

One idea that crossed my mind is the RGB Academy Awards.

First, rules to become a member of the Academy (RGBstock Certified?), and then every year the Academy could give away (teoretically) the Valentine's Day Award, Easter Day Award, Christmas Day Award, and so on and so forth... That would be fun and feature our Newsletter like in the old SXC days.


5. xymonau10 February 2010, 15:40 GMT +01:00

We could think up our own name for the awards. Academy awards may be copyrighted or something. We could call them the "Argies" or something (as in RG). But I think initially a few competitions to build up some sense of community around here would be great. We would have to sort out the judging and if there was a way to keep it all anonymous, that would be better - although it would be a fair bit of work, too. Perhaps everyone could have three votes, and that would make it clear which images were the most popular.

I typed something like this, but more detailed, this morning and the post vanished when I hit the "send" button. Very frustrating.

6. krayker10 February 2010, 18:54 GMT +01:00

photo of the week, photo of the month for starters.

7. saavem12 February 2010, 15:08 GMT +01:00

It's a great idea Manoel!
This is a related place with your idea:

8. happyture15 February 2010, 3:10 GMT +01:00

Sounds like fun,,,

9. mzacha15 February 2010, 13:41 GMT +01:00

Well, in my school in Poland we had monthly competitions like that. Somebody was giving us a topic (crazy one, like "UFO in architecture", or "Lazyness") and we had to hunt in in the town. Funny stuff and very creative!

10. xymonau16 February 2010, 7:22 GMT +01:00

It's getting the system of judging and/or voting that's the issue. I guess we can do it like elsewhere, with competition images tagged a certain way, but I think we should all have three votes, because there are often too many to choose just one. And maybe separate winners for photos and graphics. That would encourage even more uploads.

11. xymonau16 February 2010, 7:30 GMT +01:00

Good Friday is April 2 this year. Perhaps if we started in about a week's time, and some people take responsibility for sending a private message to a certain number of people in the photographers list (that way it's less like spam). I am happy to write the letter, but if someone else wants to volunteer, I'd be happier. It would need to sound personal, and whoever sends it can put their name in where it's needed.

I think the first one could finish about a week or ten days before Easter - even though we know that's too late for commercial things. But it would give us a celebratory feeling, and start to build the group a bit..

12. xymonau16 February 2010, 10:58 GMT +01:00

Would all those willing to help please make a post here and let me know? And if you have better ideas, please share them.

13. scottsnyde17 February 2010, 20:32 GMT +01:00

I'll help in any way I can. Be it send an email or anything else.

I liked the theme projects we did on SXC, like the "Something Missing" competition. Remember the house with a door on the second floor and no stairs? And didn't someone have a bike with no seat? (ouch)

Holiday competitions would be fun.

Gotta say, I was flattered to see my name included in Manoel's original post, especially as I have been MIA for the past year or so. I've still been shooting though, and I've got lot's of new photos to show for it.

14. fishmonk17 February 2010, 22:38 GMT +01:00

I'm up for a competition & would be happy to help in any way.
I loved the comps at sxc even though they stopped not long after I arrived...
Would it be worth getting some names together to organize the first competition & see where it goes from there...


15. xymonau17 February 2010, 22:48 GMT +01:00

Okay, I would like more helpers, but I will be in touch with you guys through the contact forms. It's pretty much done in my head. I'll send you the rules (not typed yet) and you can edit them or make suggestions, etc.

16. scottsnyde17 February 2010, 23:11 GMT +01:00

Sounds good.

I volunteer as a juror.

PS. May I recommend that all jurors get complimentary cruise packages to the destination of our... err... their choice?

17. xymonau17 February 2010, 23:31 GMT +01:00

There won't be jurors, just someone to count the votes. I'll spell it out in the rules. I will get them done.

But today I have to have my little blind cat euthanased, and I am heartbroken about it. So I'm having a mini crisis that may set things back in a small way.

I deliberately chose not to have jurors when I got estimates on the price of cruises. :) I could have given you airfares, but oh, no! - it had to be a cruise.

18. scottsnyde18 February 2010, 1:34 GMT +01:00

Yes, cruise or forget it.

Of course I was kidding.

19. Ayla8718 February 2010, 7:45 GMT +01:00

Dez, we are sorry to hear about your cat. We have two cats with some health problems, too and can feel with you very well.
Christa & Michael

20. xymonau18 February 2010, 9:56 GMT +01:00

It's a long story, but he's had a reprieve, thank goodness. I spent the last 24 hours in tears. I think he will be okay for a while. The vet saw him today and said he didn't need to be put down. I don't feel happy yet, but I'm sure not like I was this morning! Thank you so much for your kindness.

21. Ayla8718 February 2010, 16:03 GMT +01:00

We never had to deal with a blind cat, but I heard cats often can arrange quite weill with blindness. Let's hope he will be fine for some time and enjoy the time with you. It's always hard to fear that there may be a throwback, but you will always be thankful for the additional time.

22. xymonau19 February 2010, 1:09 GMT +01:00

I think he was born blind, and no-one caught on. I didn't know when I got him, and his previous owner didn't seem to. After 24 hours, it was obvious, though. He is amazing. He tries to climb trees, goes exploring. He's fearless if I'm with him. When I first got him, he was afraid of being touched. His former owner, a schizophrenic man, abused him, I beleive. It took 2 years before I could have him on my lap at all, and he didn't really like that. Now he annoys me for cuddles and pats all the time.

And he once caught a bird! It was a young one just learning to fly. It probably fell in his mouth! LOL He brought it straight to me to share it. Naturally, I rescued it (it flew away and looked fine), but the cat resented me for days. He thought I ate the whole thing! LOL I was just so proud of him being able to do that.

Here's a link to his picture in my gallery:
He doesn't look blind, as his eyes "focus", but sometimes they slip a little.

Do you guys have any photos here of your cats?

And for those who are just interested in the comp, I will write up the rules and send them for your perusal on Sunday my time.

23. fishmonk19 February 2010, 2:18 GMT +01:00

We got 2 little ones. They're very pretty. My avatar is one we lost a year or so ago. She was pretty old, but a lovely lovely character. Your looks cool - looks like he's scared o' nothin!
Look forward to Sunday your time.

24. Ayla8720 February 2010, 10:15 GMT +01:00

Dez, did you know that you are a great storyteller? It is very illustrative to read about your experiences, thanks for sharing :)

Our two cats can be found here:

They are not too keen on being stock photo models - eating and sleeping are obviously far more interesting hobbies for cats.

25. xymonau20 February 2010, 11:05 GMT +01:00

Dan, she looks old in that photo - a bit wethered in the face. But stoical. I like that in a cat! Yes, I'll get the blurb written tomorrow. I'm a bit tired tonight. Don't know why. I've done very little most of the day.

Michael - my kind of cats! I had a lot of tabbies when I was a kid - although they were mostly Manx. And the kitten looks so adorable. It's so hard to get great animal photos. Even blind cats know exactly when to stand up and ruin everything. Eating and sleeping - what else is there?

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