Keifer (Keith H)

An amateur photographer in a previous life, I can not afford the level of camera that I can relate to, one that feels like, and mimics a 35mm film camera .. and so I just whimper at the door, making mewing noises, curled up in a fetal position .. offering digital images to the Gods to ward off complete drooling meltdown

plus, it allows me to reach for the cheesecake at the site get-togethers without getting my hand slapped and I can oggle the women who go for the guys with the real equipment

Imię: Keith H
Płeć: nieznana
Miasto: California
Kraj: United States
Aparat foto:
Na Rgbstock od: March 2010
Galeria brak
Ilość zdjęć: 0
Ilość pobrań: 0

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