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3 0 grade account_circle jesień 5
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5 0 grade account_circle jesień 1
3 3 grade account_circle grzyb
0 0 grade account_circle Winterblaadjes
1 1 grade account_circle w jesiennej drewna
3 0 grade account_circle sepia grzyby
3 2 grade account_circle Złoty skalnica
4 0 grade account_circle czarny dalmatyńczyk w lesie
16 1 grade account_circle Deszcz nad Amazone
11 0 grade account_circle kasztan
7 0 grade account_circle stos dzienników
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13 0 grade account_circle drewna!
7 0 grade account_circle drewna!
2 0 grade account_circle kasztan
6 0 grade account_circle kasztan
13 2 grade account_circle zima
9 0 grade account_circle łowisko leśne-6
1 0 grade account_circle łowisko leśne-5
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5 1 grade account_circle park narodowy, twój
7 0 grade account_circle Jesienne kwiaty 2
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4 0 grade account_circle potok
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37 1 grade account_circle forrestgreen 4
32 1 grade account_circle forrestgreen 1
4 0 grade account_circle Chipmunk ;-)
9 0 grade account_circle wiewiórki 4
25 0 grade account_circle Wiewiórki 3
46 1 grade account_circle zaułek zima
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