The language in this makes me cringe, but it is genuinely funny.
You leave my Matty alone! You're juss jellyous! They diddent arst you to star in moovies.
I did star in moovies see, the before an after movie,,,i played the befour :O)
Wif you as the beefor, I iz surprised there heven woz a after.
I woz very upset cuz they did say the after was a big improvement ....:O(
Tell yoo,,The after woz beetween me or Sean Konery,,an i got it cuz i got all me hair ...
Zactly,,N thats why i gotted the part, cuz i looked special in a strange kinda way :O)
Eyeve seldom met a more special man, Mikey. Special. Yerse. Thass the wurd.
I Yam special juss gotted sum more tallents i juss gotted my surgeons licence, Yeah i can naw hopperate on peoples brains to make um normul like wot i is, wunderfull news init Dezzie:O)
I will juss back outa thiss room very slowly in horder notoo hupsetchoo an I wish yood put down that scalpel, Mikey...
I have to go to Brisbane again for a Wednesday appointment. I can't remember if I wrote about it here, but I got the summary from the hospital and what they removed looked "suspicious" (see, everything about me is shifty). I'll know for sure on Wednesday. If I have to have a large operation, your scalpel may come in handy. Hopefully, you'll only get to trim your nails with it.
Wonder if they would clip a bit of me,, like couple of kg off me belly :O)
Bloody dam right disgusting,,,should do what you say, when you tell um they should jump :O)
Zactly ,, maybe if you shouts louder at um they might listen :O)
Now, don't shout at 'em. They tole me I don't have cancer. I juss wants to huggem an' luv 'em and squeeze 'em to bits! I was so relieved, honestly. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me.
I went straight in to work from driving back today, but I was so exhausted, I left a bit early. I shouldn't have to go to Brisbane for a while now - well, except maybe for family stuff - a few crises going on there. And it means I get to go to the conference in Melbourne in September. I hate flying - I get quite scared - but I do want to go, so I'll just have to be brave, I guess. I hope it isn't too cold. Horrible weather in Melbourne - changes constantly. I find it unbearable.
Thats great news Dezzie i am so pleased for you, nothing else matters when you get good news like that does it, fancy going straight back to work you naughty gurl, cup of tee and a digestive first my dear :O)
There was a bit of a crisis going on. Nothing earth shattering, but it needed my intervention - and access to my computer. And I had a good break at some roadside truck stop - my last indulgence of hot chips and an abomination of a pastie - I needed half a bottle of sweet chili sauce to make it remotely edible. I decided to indulge my cravings one last time, but I've put on three kilos in the last weeks, and they have to go quickly. No more junk for a while now. Particularly sugary things. I downed about 4 baklava in the last 2 days - what a drool fest that was! I can't eat many cakey things, but those have no dairy, and I LOVE them.
Always the way, everything you like eating is not good for you, i love biscuits n cakes nuts etc but i cant eat them ooooh the pain its just not fair :O(
There is still a lot left to eat that's nice. And good resipes on the net for substitutes.
Na,,,My brothers Wife Clare(lovely gurl) makes the best porkie pies and ordinary pies I ever did eat , If you could taste heaven then this is how it would taste:O) mmmm,,,need pie,,,need pie,,,,,pie,,pies.....Yeah they own the Village butcher's shop in Chesire England
I wouldn't touch a pork pie, but I am partial to a meat pie. I don't know what differences there are between Oz and UK meat pies, but if you get a nice one, wow! Ours were originally made with mutton and lots of pepper, flaky pastry on the top and harder pastry on the base. Lots of gravy designed to run down your arm and scar you like magma.
Their pork pies are taller and more narrow than our meat pies. But I love the look of the display, and I'll bet they are good sales people, too. Great stuff!
Yes,,best pies in Cheshire,,, yes myself and my baby Bro inherited our fathers sale jibe, he could sell fridges to the Eskimos, now about your double glazing madam,,and have i mentioned how beautiful your hair looks today :O)