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Camera for Christmas!

1. happyture13 December 2011, 7:37 GMT +01:00

Well its that time of year again, the photography shops are full to the britches with sparkly new cameras with more pixels and wonder gadgetry than you can wave a stick at, I am looking for a new camera but dont want to have a wheelbarrow to carry it around, I have been looking closely at the Panasonic G3 amazed at the size and control this camera seems to have, yet i am concerned that the iso settings only goes down to 160iso,,,,that i feel is rather high as my little fuji and Big Nikon go down much lower around 80iso with the fuji and 100iso with the Nikon,,,I can hear you all saying OMG he's rambling again, BUT i would love to hear your opinions on the many cameras that are on the market at the moment.

386. xymonau7 April 2012, 13:25 GMT +02:00

I thought I woz already there.

387. happyture8 April 2012, 0:15 GMT +02:00

Na,,,every bugger knows where Oztralia is, its down under...

388. xymonau8 April 2012, 3:57 GMT +02:00

Pomgolians woodent know which way is up.

389. happyture8 April 2012, 11:04 GMT +02:00

Dont be rude,,,course we do,,,up's where the stars are and down is where the dirt is phhhfff,,,some people have all the cheek........... :O(

390. xymonau8 April 2012, 12:37 GMT +02:00

So you think I'm a dirt person? Answer carefully, now. I woodent want to lose my temper.

391. happyture8 April 2012, 13:38 GMT +02:00

NO,,you is a very nice person who i is proud to call me friend, i knows you Dezzie and that your heart is Big and pure :O)

392. xymonau8 April 2012, 14:07 GMT +02:00

Thank you, Mike. You're wildly wrong, but that's still nice to hear.

Now, gettin' back to which way is up. I'm afraid we live on a round ball, an' I don't think the universe actually has an "up". So you lot are probably down under an' we are really up over. Unnerstan'?

393. happyture8 April 2012, 21:24 GMT +02:00


394. xymonau9 April 2012, 3:11 GMT +02:00

Good. I'm glad you got that. I would get really tetchy if I had to 'splain it again.

395. happyture9 April 2012, 8:59 GMT +02:00

Well,,,your teachin skills are minimumum aint they...

396. xymonau9 April 2012, 9:31 GMT +02:00

Hyme sorry? Hye though you juss sed I had no teechin' skills. Juss as well hyme heerin' fings 'cause I has my little teechin' stick wiff me annye woodent want to haftoo show you juss how good a teecher I is.

397. happyture9 April 2012, 12:48 GMT +02:00

Seee,,you juss haz two get haggresssive dunya...Sticks n stones you muss own um all :O)

398. xymonau9 April 2012, 15:24 GMT +02:00

Sticks, hennyway. Stones is not my speshiality. Ugly fings, stones.

399. happyture9 April 2012, 16:03 GMT +02:00

Huh,,juss two hevy four yoor purse i know the truths bout you...

400. xymonau9 April 2012, 16:06 GMT +02:00

I has no room in my purse coz I is rich.

401. happyture10 April 2012, 8:22 GMT +02:00

Yeah rich with silver from the stars and gold from the morning sun, yeah me too :O)

402. xymonau10 April 2012, 11:01 GMT +02:00

Was it the clothes that gave me away? Or the cheap haircut?

403. happyture10 April 2012, 11:49 GMT +02:00

Cheap is a HORRIBLE word Dezzie, I prefer to use economy haircut,,see sounds much better, did you go to a venture to a US military base for that hair cut then???

404. xymonau10 April 2012, 13:05 GMT +02:00

Nah. The man was whipper-snipping the lawn an' - well, it's not a pretty story, so I won't go there...

405. happyture11 April 2012, 8:59 GMT +02:00

Ohhh well i have to say it looks very errr you, See i just dont believe you SORRY BUT I DONT,,I do not know a women that does not have their hair done at least once a month,,,i even know one that goes without food for a week to pay for her hair done by Tony and Guy ............so there....

406. xymonau11 April 2012, 9:20 GMT +02:00

Mine is done whenever I can't see past the front of it any more. I only bother because of my job. Otherwise I'd go to the local hairdresser training school and get it done cheaply. I stopped dyeing it because it took hours, and didn't help much. It's grey and frizzy now. I look like a Pomeranian rabbit, only not cute.

407. happyture11 April 2012, 9:40 GMT +02:00

Bless your heart Dezzie, I like Pomeranian rabbits too,,ah bless, yeah my hair is going grey but i still got it all so i cant moan really as many of the lads i was in skool with are bald :O) i wouldn't dye it because there's not a lot of difference between blonde and grey and i was blonde :O)

408. xymonau11 April 2012, 10:43 GMT +02:00

A blonde bombshell, you is. I can hear you tickin'.

409. happyture11 April 2012, 13:11 GMT +02:00

Yes i is, its me pocket watch dezzie honest :O)

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