Possibly a little too much information. Put yer pants on, there's a good boy. You know what the doctor said.
He did,,your right, i got these new thong ones L@@K silk they is,,nice n soft,,shiny too,,,do you think gold suits me Dezzie,,,
Oh yeah give me up that easy,,yeah make me feel like a piece of flavourless gum,,just discard me why dont you :O(
You woodent put yore pants on. Well, you sort of did, but they aren't meant to go on yore head, Mikey.
Well my face looks like a Arse dont it,,,no no dont answer that!
I yam a friend. I muss argue wif your assershun. It duzzent ENTIRELY look like that.
Oh, plenny has occurred. I has dribben fousands of miles an' seen wonders - no, 'mazing fings, I has. I has also been hejumacated. Duz I look smarterer? I stopped a couple of times on the trip back. The last place was a servo (service station) miles from nowhere (tha's funny, I juss thought of Cat Stevens for sum reezen!), where I bought a sammidge - couldn't get pure salad, so I was pickin' off the corned beef an' cheeze. I stood outside the ute in the blazin' sun, an' scoffed the sanger. I could feel the sun burnin' into my skin, but after all the air conditioning in the car, it felt good. I'd love to be a grey nomad, and tour the country. I'm half way there. I'm grey.
Wow,,sounds like you had fun,, i love the sun,, i think its sumfink like your sun here but weakerer...
Oh, WE has our OWN sun. You didn't know that, did you? We never share it. It follows us, and refuses to shine on the Northeren hemisphere. We do share it with Africa and South America. After all, THEY never calls us, "colonials".
There were a few stretches of road where the sun wasn't shining today, I can assure you. North of Caboolture, the rain belted down so hard I couldn't see the road. It was quite dangerous. We slowed to a crawl, and the windshield wipers simply couldn't keep up. It lasted for quite a distance, then I drove through to the dry weather. Then, just as I got into Gympie, it happened all over again, but worse. I was getting quite scared, and I couldn't see the edge of the road to find a place to pull over. Once more, I drove out the other side, and it was dry the rest of the way. There are some truly lovely places along the way. I'd love to live in Tiaro, or a bit further south. Nice hills and plains, very pretty area. Very rural, too.
Ah you got to have a bit of rain aint you, we get gallons of the stuff here, we all moan about it but we really do need it, parts of England have become very dry with hardly any rainfall while other places get plenty, even some rivers and springs have dried up, its a brit thing to talk about the weather...
You can't have things nice and green without rain, but I still hate it. I ache all over in the rainy season - which is right now. Still, I get my car washed for free when it's raining!
I can just see you out there when its belting down of rain chamois leather in one hand liquid soap in the other washing your car singing a little ditty,,,
Hmmm. We appear to inhabit separate dimensions. You appear to think that I would cheerfully (a) go outside in the rain and (b) actually put soap on my vehicle. The soap might weaken the rust that's holding it together. Also, I will do everything humanly possible to avoid going out in the rain. I really mean it when I say I loathe it. I know we need water, and therefore I don't want to have no rain. But apart from the huge short downpours that refresh the place, the wonderful smell of light rain on soil, and the comforting sound of rain on a tin roof, I hate the stuff.
I would never of guessed that if you hadn't of said, Cant understand,,,cuz fish love the stuff?????????
I like fishes teefs, but they has no taste when it comes to decor.
Ha ha ha,,i like fishes teefs like a crocodile....
Crocodiles are wonderful mothers. they look after their babies for a long time. They must be very intelligent.
I did put a picture of Ma on facebook once and i got banned for using obscene images, I could find one for you to look at if you dare,,,,