Well of course my dear, to understand hobnobs one gracefully dunks one's hobnob with the smallest finger cocked, a rule of thumb is to firstly have something to comment about the weather before sharing ones hobnobs with friends..
Why never, hobnob sharing in England is a very serious matter indeed, i wouldn't lower my tone while educating a Oztralian in the art of hobnobbing as we like to call it here :O)
Ah, well, then that's juss zackly how we eats our lamingtons.
See,,as munch as yoo Oztralians hate to haddmit it yoo iz and always will be a chip off the old block, its inya blood to dunk bicky's and cock ya little fingers,,no gettin away from it :O) sorry !!
Lamingtons, she said wiff a sneer, is NOT bikskits! She finished wiff a wivvering stare.
Ain't they the fings wot frow emselves of'fer cliffs? Must av big muggs to dunk em in. See Happi' just no class wot'so ever, you's is mixin wiv a bad lot.
We got ways of gettin' them lamingtons into the teacups an' it works on Pomgolians, too, Sunshine!
Wee having rane ear all the thyme, cant get out the house munch at tall, Sow hows yew bean hive bean busy for a while doin things that men doo's..
Wot? Leavin' the seat up? That takes you a weeK?!
I have had my secons specialist visit and I am off to Brisbane to die under the anaesthetic soon, but still no date. I don't really think I'll die, but it doesn't inspire confidence when they tell you they won't touch you here! LOL I'm still really on edge just waiting for the date, then I'll be in a cold panic on the day, but it has to be done. At least, as a country patient, I'll get to stay in hospital overnight. Here they were going to kick me out the same day. They made me sign all this stuff to swear I had a carer (I didn't), or they said they'd cancel the op. I had the last laugh on them, didn't I? And I made off (accidentally) with their free antiseptic bodywash! Ha!
DONT SAY SUCH THINGS DEZZIE, you will be fine i know you will, I double checked me bones and they said you will be fine, as for stealing antiseptic bodywash we thats a federal offence which i,ll just have to report as i am a good law abiding person,,, :O)
Right! If that's how it is, I'll have to drink it to hide the eveidence...gulp! There, Now wotchoo gunna do, hey?
.......................would you mind calling me a hambulance if it's no trubble..................
Shudunt of drunked it it will make yew pourly,,,So wot's the emergancy number four Oztralia the,,i no's 999,,,an i no's 911 butt i dunner no's Oztralia's :O) let me juss get the buck out ...Aaaaah no no,,,A'' no,,, whats this the vets?? no better not ,,,
"000," she gasped weakly, fallin to the floor... (that's triple zero, Sunshine!)
000, or did you meen ooo, Oh zero,, thats nought in Hinglish init.. how you feeling now :O)
I'm feelin' very annoyed that I'm still waitin' for the bleedin' hambulance, that's how I'm feelin'!
Oh yeah,,sorry bout that but once i start reading the paper i,m away with the fairies :O) 0o0 wasn't it... oh oh its playing music now im in a Q!!!
That gurglin' you is hearin' is my deaf rattles, I hope you knows!
Oh tell the truth will yoo Dezzie was that bottle of Guinness you was slugging down,,juss like pulling the plug on me baff it was:O)
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,,I dont drink,,,do i ? Do i drink? cant remember :O)
Meanwhile, back in the emergency room, people is standin' aroun' whilst I yam poisoned and passing out...