Happy Birthday Salva!
1. xymonau23 May 2011, 12:21 GMT +02:00

It's decar66's birthday today. Many Happy Returns of the day, Salva. Are you going to share that cake? :)
2. tinneketin23 May 2011, 12:43 GMT +02:00

Heppie birthday !!!
For me also a piece of cake please ? :-)
3. decar6623 May 2011, 16:43 GMT +02:00

Wow! Thank you ! Yes, there is cake, my wife made Tiramisu today... ok, ok, please line up, there is birthday cake for you all.
4. weirdvis23 May 2011, 17:08 GMT +02:00

Enjoy the day, Salva. Save some of that tiramisu for me. Yummmmmm. :D
5. jazza23 May 2011, 17:38 GMT +02:00

Congratulations Salva. I hope you will have a beautiful day.
6. decar6623 May 2011, 18:35 GMT +02:00

Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you
7. Abyla23 May 2011, 19:04 GMT +02:00

Feliz cumpleaños Salva ! Congratulations. Tomaré algo a tu salud.
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