woohoo Im on the front page and the shock has sent me funny,,,,er!
1. happyture18 February 2011, 9:34 GMT +01:00

Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
146. happyture18 March 2011, 14:40 GMT +01:00

Its OK ,,Dezzie,,Its OK,, I think she's a he now anyways,, yeah, Donella is Donald now....
147. xymonau18 March 2011, 14:55 GMT +01:00

Hmph. Not sure that makes it any better. Now, back to the lemons. they was great lemons, Mikey. Never seen nuffin' like 'em.
148. happyture18 March 2011, 16:56 GMT +01:00

WHY you changing the subject,Hummm, Why? but seems you have i,ll agree, the bestest lemons you ever did see or will ever see again,, I squeezed um on me pancakes,,lovely jubbly they was...
149. Groningen18 March 2011, 17:00 GMT +01:00

me Mug of Coffee has been downloaded for the first time
150. happyture18 March 2011, 19:17 GMT +01:00

NO WAY!! its cold by now ???
151. Groningen18 March 2011, 23:51 GMT +01:00

152. happyture18 March 2011, 23:59 GMT +01:00

Why do some images hover around for ages before getting a download, then get 2/3 or more downloads in one day??? madness ain't it..
153. xymonau19 March 2011, 10:29 GMT +01:00

Well, perhaps it's all that hovering. Who looks up?
154. happyture19 March 2011, 11:35 GMT +01:00

I,m looking up right now,, And just what can i sea,,,?????
155. xymonau19 March 2011, 11:47 GMT +01:00

A beyootiful wooman wif wings. Bats eyelids and flies away like a rather large, sweaty fairy.
156. happyture19 March 2011, 11:56 GMT +01:00

Ohhh, you drink Red bull do you??
157. xymonau19 March 2011, 12:05 GMT +01:00

Nope. Caffeine free, I is. I has majikkle powers.
158. happyture19 March 2011, 12:17 GMT +01:00

you want to see a doctor bout that,,,????
159. xymonau19 March 2011, 12:22 GMT +01:00

The caffeine?
160. happyture19 March 2011, 14:25 GMT +01:00

No silly,, The majikkle powers,,,think they got sumthink what they call a ducking stool,,cures that for you, guaranteed cure an all..
161. happyture19 March 2011, 14:47 GMT +01:00

Wow i,m so cool you need shades just to look at my shadow :O)
162. xymonau19 March 2011, 14:52 GMT +01:00

Do you have a fan club? Can I join?
163. happyture19 March 2011, 15:09 GMT +01:00

Ha ha ha,, the only fan i got belongs to the air conditioning Dezzie :O) but i,m trying,,,very trying at times ...
164. xymonau19 March 2011, 15:25 GMT +01:00

Yes, but in the most charming way!
165. happyture19 March 2011, 15:29 GMT +01:00

Bless you Dezzie,,you iz a friend indeed...long distance,, but a friend indeed...
166. xymonau20 March 2011, 0:11 GMT +01:00

Can I borrow some money, then?
167. happyture20 March 2011, 1:16 GMT +01:00

I didn't say a friend in need,, i said a friend indeed silly,,, Will a tenner do?
168. xymonau20 March 2011, 1:31 GMT +01:00

Well, there's the hoperation on my poor ol' granny, then there's the widder's kids to feed. An' stray dogs an' bunnies. Do YOU think a tenner will do?
169. happyture20 March 2011, 8:32 GMT +01:00

Well,,I can stretch it to,,,,oops its ripped???
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