Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
"Sharp intake of breff" Why,,,dezzie? why,,,tell you know your gunna feel soooo guilty when that parcel arrives all ragged n that,,,,,,
Hime only sayin,,,iff its still in the post an it turns up at your home,,Which it might! you is gonna after eat your words,,,without condiments :O)
'Cept you dun blamed Her Royal Majesty Queen 'Lizabeth the Second, an' eyem tellin'! It's the Tower for you, boyo!
Well she is a bit light fingered you knows, last time i used her dunny there was towels with savoy hotel stamped all over um,,,and the soap too, so your guess iz nearly as good as mine,,Lizzy lightfingers??
Oh I say,,i like the Add comment and new post buttons do you dezzie...
I shall now try to put the matter of the missing, presumed never-existant xmas gift behind me. You has hurted me, tho'. Cut me to the quick, you dun.
Dezzie, dezzie,,dezzie,,dezzie,,dezzie I can remember licking the stamp!!!!
Well it was a little moist, kept sliding around a bit, mazing what a bit of spit will do though....
Thank you for waiting until I finished my food before sayin' that.
Food! that reminds me, its my sisters 50th birthday and she has hired a hotel/entertainment hall plus overnight stay for family, everything you could possible want all laid on, so im looking forward to the food and the Guinness, stroll on Saturday :O)
That sounds fabulous! I hope you all have a wonderful time, Mike!
Oh will do, I have promised myself not to get too intoxicated and to take lots of photo's for my album :O)
Good. Does the family rely on you to do all the photos?
No, My sister will probably have someone there doing it as she knows once i get there with her husband bar propping we soon loose all normalness ....
Look,,,Now Watch my lips,,,,For My Album :O) easy as falling off a log init...
It may have to be. Do they sit on logs at bars in Britain?
Sometimes we do, we got some rare old Pub's as we call um over here dezzie, some you'd only enter if you had a invite if you knows what i mean....
We call them pubs here, too, and the cities have a lot of those "invite" ones.