Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
Oh, I am referrin' to the long-legged wombat, the kind that infests Sydney hairport. Ugly, gun-totin', grimacin' little hole-diggin' rotters they is.
Oh,,,oh,,see now the Ugly part is worrying me now...
Errrrr,,,Thats funny,,,strange one would even say,,I had this Stabbing pain in my back just then?????
Weren't me. I'm jus' holdin this here sharp stick wot is drippin' wif blood for a stranger. They tole me they'd be back soon.
I never thought that possible "The Pinocchio syndrome" its true,, careful dezzie you could take some poor soles eye out with that!!!
Oh, you're just jealous that your nose isn't as lovely as mine. I know. You can have plackstick surgery. I have a plackstick knife somewhere. I'll do it for you.
No fanks you mrs, hime happy with my nose although i wouldn't pick it myself !
I am afraid to arsk who you gets to pick your nose. That would have to be the worst job in the world, wouldn't it?
Oh Dezzie, I dont know henny one else who exaggerates as much as you,,If ive told you once ive told you a million times stop exaggerating :O)
Dezzie, Youv'e seen my Ma, its more like a pet really!!!
Sticks n stones mrs,,,,,sticks n stones,,,, I,ll have you know i get mistaken for Keith Lemon all the time here, and he looks nothing like my Ma so try again ha ha ha!
Massive star here in UKland, very funny man,,, people say,,my god you look just like him,,so i had a hair cut and it still happens,,was funny, I went to a Chinese take away and a Chinese lady came to serve me,,she looked and instantly started laffing,,ha ha ha yoo keef Lemons ha ha ha ha ,,,,I said no no no i look like him but i am not him i am me,,,,she looked hard at me and said,,,Ahhhh,,what would i know you all look the same to me,,,,salll n finger...
Wot does "salll n finger" mean?
Well, she's right, though. You Pomgolians all look alike to me, too.
Salt n Vinegar ,,, and spose you aint noticed i has tattoo's so i look different to me next door neighbour :O) mind he's bald as well!