I've just joined RGBStock and imported my photos from SXC, and just wanted to say hello, and what a pleasure it is to recognise so many familiar names here.
I'm also really impressed at how quickly the 168 photos I imported were approved/rejected - even as the pictures were being uploaded - and with the clarity of the rejection reasons. Was this done by a real person? If so, all credit to you.
With just one or two exceptions, I can't argue with the rejection of 28 of the photos - generally ones that I took when I was less experienced as a photographer, or that probably shouldn't have sneaked through in the first place. Equally, it's heartening that 140 of them still pass muster!
I'm looking forward to being part of this new community, and to uploading more photos over time!
Welcome at RGBStock.com. Yes we sure are real ;-) It was fun to catch your files on their way in flying through the air ;-)
Have fun and I am looking forward to your new uploads.
Sorry about the rejections but we have some updated quality standards. Nothing you have to worry about since only a few older files got rejected ;-) It is great to have you on board.
Hello, Graham, and welcome! You have an amazing gallery and it's lovely to see you here.
Thanks Marja, Dez! Lovely to see you both again
Incidentally, will I need to go through manually and add categories to each photo?
Welcome aboard, Graham. It's so good to see you here! :D
Yep, categories have to be added manually because the lust of categories is slightly different at both sites.
Nice to make your acquaintance Graham! I see you're a fellow Brit; I look forward to seeing some more of your shots from the great countryside in your area.
Thanks for the lovely welcome everyone - I'll certainly upload some new images soon!