The graphics competition was hotly contested. And we have a tie!
Tinneketin had 7 votes for Easter Chicken:
and weirdvis had 7 votes for Thugs Bunny:
Now I know some will say because I counted the votes that I cheated, but you can count them yourselves. In the photography competition:
xymonau had 5 votes for Easter Prayer:
The standard of the entries was so high, there were a lot of single votes. I was really impressed with the high standard of both sections. The winners will have their images displayed on the front page prior to Easter.
Congratulations to all who participated and thank you for those who voted. Next time we might remind people before the voting closes.
I owe a huge debt of thanks to the following people, who spent a lot of time and energy informing members about the competition:
scottsnyde - Scott Snyder
saavem - Miguel Saavedra
iikozen - Manoel Silva
fishmonk - Dan Shirley
Thank you so much, guys. It's this sort of cooperation that makes the place a community. You saved me a lot of effort, and you were all so pleasant and willing to help.
Our next competition will be a little bit different. But you'll have to watch this space for the details!
Congratulation to the winners! Great job!
Thanks to Dez, you launched and guide this matter so nice!
Huge round of applause to the competition organisers. You all did a sterling job motivating people and moving things along.
Thank you everyone who took part even if it was taking time to cast a vote. The standard was excellent and everyone entered into the spirit of friendly competition to make the affair a creative and enjoyable experience. We are still only small but we're a well knit bunch. The vibrant spirit that once belonged to SXC is alive and kicking and wearing primary colours.
A special thank you to the people who chucked a few votes my way. I am glad the mad, bad bunny appealed to your senses of humour. :D
Thanks to everyone for voting and especially thanks to Dez to set this competition up, it was fun.
Congratulations to Weirdvis and Xymonau. ;o)
Good job everyone! You all deserve a round of congratulation for your efforts!
@1 Dez - FIX!!! :)
All well deserved winners.
Thanks for the competition, it got me to take a few photos I wouldn't have otherwise taken. Looking forward to the next one...
Congratulations to the photographers and organizers. It was not easy to decide the images to vote.
Of course you do, Mikey. After all, you missed the last starting gun and let Dezzie run amok with her soup and pointy stick...
Congratulations to the winners, and a special vote of thanks to Dez for organizing this first competition so well. I look forward to the next one!
Congrats to the winners. I guess the competition in the future will get tougher, as the ranks swell steadily!
Congratulations to everyone involved in this, organizers, contestants, winners and voters.
Wonderful to be here!
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who made this happen.
Thanks for the votes too!! altough they were all for different photos haha but it was really nice to have them. This is a new experience for me, my first contest :)... and I´d like to take this moment to share something with you...
I almost decided not to be in the contest, I wasn't in the modd because of the earthquake in my country last February 27, I guess you've heard about it... never been more scared in my life!!... well I´ve made a new theme in the forum where you can help us!! It would be really nice if you take a look.
Congratulations to all winners !
it was my introduction to rgbstock and it tastes like more ;-)
Congratulations. The winners are on the front page right now!
The images rotate every six seconds.
Thugs Bunny was spotted by police helicopter in Fresno CA. He managed to escape, but they are following a trail of evidence of broken colored eggs and chicken coops which were vandalized. :)
Congratulations, Lynne, Tinneketin & Dez!
That was a great first competition, which ended up bringing some lovely images to the site...
Can't wait for the next one.