Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Well, you could...but it's nailed to the floor and wired with explosives. As I said, you could...
Wow! That was a spectacular bang! And very brave of Gron. The prize sailed through the air - and right into my arms. So all is well.
Er, no. He's very tough. And recovering well in casualty. And very, very peeved with the person who planted the explosives.
Oh, no, my little competitor, that's the prize on the trolley. What you have in your arms are thin slices of what was once a noble competitor, albeit for a brief time.
Who is this chap Al Beit? The prize is off his trolley (who wouldn't be, after being blown up) and has sought refuge with me. I've promised not to treat him unkindly - unlike SOME competitors - and he has promised a lifetime supply of cookies. Heaven.
you cookies are so misinformed about the nature of the Prize
it doesn't want to be hold or cuddled, oh no!
The Prize prefers short barked commandoes: Sit!
There's a good boy, here sharpen your teeth on this Dez-toy
He's likely to break a tooth on it! :)
My Auntie Podeon used to make wonderful chocolate chip cookies without the dienomite. Not like what we're seeing these days.
I know that lady! She used to offer rock cakes - take your pick. They were rumoured to have been instrumental in starting the sport of throwing the shot.
"better two rock cakes in your hand then one in your stomach"
Absolutely! They make fine defensive weapons against combatants wielding sharp pointy sticks.
I haven't seen any of those for yonks. All that's around these parts is a humble, wonderful homemaker with a gift for culinary delights. Bats eyelashes and tilts head to one side, coyly.
Stop hiding behind those yonks! We've already realized that bat's eyelashes and tilts heads are ingredients in certain liquid gastronomic preparations. It's the main reason why tilts are now extinct.
maybe the real reason Dez' head tilts to one side is that
the Prize has chewed on it (the head)
They do not stink. Apologise at once.
You know, I realise you are definitely male, Gron, since you have joined the axis of evil. You had a chance, but now I must be really offensive to you. Soup?
Oh crikey, now you are threatening Gron with your culinary delites. Soon you'll be prodding him along with the rest of your chain gang who tried to reclaim the prize.
Jolly dee! It's always good to grab the prize when Dez is distracted with prodding others. Hello prizey! And no biting - I'm a friend of Gron's.
Distracted? I can fight you all and finish off the crossword in the paper at the same time.
That sounds like some cross words from you right there!
Oh! Are you still here? The competition finished and I won. You can go now.
Me, myself and I!
LOL @ axis of evil!
joke: what fourletter word blows the whole alphabet away?