Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins
1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
1730. micromoth27 November 2010, 6:28 GMT +01:00

Bad jokes? BAD jokes??? I'll have you know it's good. Dead good.
1731. xymonau27 November 2010, 7:35 GMT +01:00

Well, it certainly smells dead, I'll grant you that.
1732. micromoth27 November 2010, 8:44 GMT +01:00

Ah, but I catch the scent of victory in LOTP!
1733. xymonau27 November 2010, 10:28 GMT +01:00

Er- yes, pardon me. I get all excited about winning.
1734. micromoth27 November 2010, 15:11 GMT +01:00

You're pardoned. :)
1735. xymonau27 November 2010, 23:48 GMT +01:00

I like a moth who is gracious in defeat. You even forgive me for winning. What an insect!
1736. micromoth28 November 2010, 9:53 GMT +01:00

It's usually the prerogative of the ruling monarch to pardon his subjects.
But let you win??? Mais non!
1737. xymonau28 November 2010, 9:56 GMT +01:00

You look nothing like a monarch butterfly. You're a flippin' moth! And what's mayonnaise got to do with it?
1738. micromoth28 November 2010, 15:24 GMT +01:00

I don't know about mayonnaise, but I don't think you'll ketchup with me.
1739. xymonau29 November 2010, 10:23 GMT +01:00

1740. micromoth29 November 2010, 15:47 GMT +01:00

Dear me, what a pickle!
1741. xymonau30 November 2010, 9:32 GMT +01:00

Don't complain. You really relish the situation.
1742. crisderaud30 November 2010, 15:16 GMT +01:00

I didn't realize you both spoke Pun-jabi.
1743. micromoth30 November 2010, 20:47 GMT +01:00

I specialise in very punny jokes.
1744. crisderaud1 December 2010, 0:11 GMT +01:00

You mean vary punny to keep with the spirit of it :)
1745. micromoth1 December 2010, 6:47 GMT +01:00

Yes, in a manner of speaking...
1746. xymonau1 December 2010, 10:30 GMT +01:00

Paronomasiacs, the pair of you. There's a cure for that. But I don't know what it is.
1747. micromoth1 December 2010, 12:35 GMT +01:00

No, no. This isn't an addiction - it's a way of life.
1748. xymonau1 December 2010, 14:04 GMT +01:00

All the addicts tell me that just before they fall over.
1749. crisderaud1 December 2010, 18:34 GMT +01:00

I have some medicine I think will work. I'll try some and let you know.
btw, what right have you calling us paronoid, paronormal, paromaniacs or paro whatever just because we crack a pun??
1750. micromoth1 December 2010, 20:00 GMT +01:00

I agree - what a parody!
1751. xymonau2 December 2010, 10:38 GMT +01:00

I pack a punch. That trumps crack a pun. No parity.
1752. crisderaud2 December 2010, 13:57 GMT +01:00

You best pack a bag because the parity is over!
1753. micromoth2 December 2010, 19:02 GMT +01:00

Lol, a parity pooper!
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