Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
me 2. oh no first listening to Tiesto's club live then sleepy time
Yeah go on get your sleep, coz thats when all my winning iz done, night night, hope the bed bugs dont bite.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Winner here!
Its a bright new morning here in UKland, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, its just me that feels like crap then this morning...
Ooh! And you look terrible! Not at all like a winner.
All the people who have English as a second language - sometimes Mike and I launch into slang or writing English as it sounds, not as it's spelled. Unless you think of something like the Cockney accent (a very vague clue to it all, but the closest I can come up with) then you will struggle to understand. Then we also throw in a few baby words for good measure (e.g., "bestest, winnerest"). And Mike often puts an "h" in front of words beginning with a vowel. But that's because he's higgerant (translation: ignorant). It's hard to be funny internationally, isn't it? LOL
So, it's just as well we all know who's going to win!
Thanks for the explanation... we go doing what we can ;) or sumfink like dat :P
Yeah. Dezzie, what,,,Errr,,,Wots rong wiv me inglish, us ere talk it propper, I dunno you aint half insalting...
English as a first language or not, this thread is really hard to follow!
Jon - there is no rhyme nor reason. You just have to spectacularly claim the last post and actually HAVE the last post to win. Anyone silly enough to try to win this isn't capable of making sense, you know. Except for me. I am full of sense. All varieties. Common, non, etc.
Me too, people do say that i,m full, full of Ssh,,,,Ssh,,, Sense ,,,,there Ive said it, Jon, i must say this to you, It takes a special kind of person to win a post such as this one, a charming person, a caring person, yes, a person like me who does not tire of the demanding stress such a competition requires, yes, as unlike anyone else here, I Mikey the magnificent, has what we real winners call winning prowess, Not wishing to boast too much of course..... :0)
oh I know about that stoy, what was here earlier, the cock or the bull?
I think the Cock was first, otherwise no bull at all :P
Flipping heck Dezzie, you know i always speak the truth, I never utter any bull droppings at all, i leave that to you....
Its funny you yourself has SO many tissue's at the ready, as i said before,,,After you my dear.........
You has ro unnerstand. I is spewing because you won the last game. I casn't be nice. I just casn't.