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Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins

1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.

4754. xymonau30 August 2012, 23:07 GMT +02:00

Maybe he's just hiding at home, but pretending he lives an exotic life. Do you know where he lives?

4755. iikozen31 August 2012, 15:51 GMT +02:00

Talking about exotic life, I just stopped by to claim the prize on this August 31st. Ain't life grand!? :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia8v30gLDwU

4756. xymonau1 September 2012, 10:34 GMT +02:00

Typical, Manoel! Just wander in like you've never been away, and try to win. Well, you're out of luck. Kevin stole the prize. He won't have it for long when he gets back, but we just have to wait patiently...

That was a great little band, by the way. Not really my taste, though. :o)

4757. gesinek1 September 2012, 10:51 GMT +02:00

I' not sure but I get the feeling that Kevin is hand in glove with Manoel

4758. xymonau1 September 2012, 10:56 GMT +02:00

Well, men stick together, don't they? Perhaps Kevin sent him to annoy us?

4759. gesinek1 September 2012, 12:46 GMT +02:00

Or to detract us from the search. Are there some news about them from Interpol?

4760. xymonau1 September 2012, 23:40 GMT +02:00

No, but I met a rather handsome detective with a French accent...

4761. gesinek3 September 2012, 20:16 GMT +02:00

Alors!!! M. Poirot?? Will he investigate in this special case?

4762. xymonau3 September 2012, 22:56 GMT +02:00

I am not authorised to divulge that information. But Kevin had better keep well hidden from now on.

4763. gesinek4 September 2012, 21:36 GMT +02:00

Kevin or Prizey ,our little chatterbox , will say something silly withot thinking and then they walk in the trap . They even don't know they were nder observation.

4764. xymonau4 September 2012, 23:50 GMT +02:00

Well, it has been rumoured that Kevin wouldn't know if his bottom was on fire - but those were only rumours. If he's not back soon, we will have to put his photo on a milk carton or something. I know, I know - the milk might curdle. But we have to do something.

4765. gesinek6 September 2012, 10:37 GMT +02:00

Yes we have to. Do you know if he is active on Facebook? That would be a world wide search. But we only have his avatar for a 'Wanted' picture.

4766. xymonau6 September 2012, 11:20 GMT +02:00

Yes, and I don't believe he is that cute in real life. He's too cunning to be posting to Facebook if he's hiding out with the prize. Do moths carry mobile phones?

4767. Gramps6 September 2012, 13:21 GMT +02:00

Where ever Moffs is you can be sure the natives will have fled. Just look to the latest areas with a flood of refugees leaving.

4768. xymonau6 September 2012, 14:40 GMT +02:00

I would never be so personal as to discuss his body odour, but since you raise the subject, perhaps Interpol could locate him with a stinkometer?

4769. gesinek7 September 2012, 12:27 GMT +02:00

Don't if they have so expensive material there. And there are such a lot of refugees all over the world. Where should they start the search?

4770. xymonau8 September 2012, 10:37 GMT +02:00

Well, clearly it will be somewhere expensive where he is spending a LOT of money.

4771. gesinek9 September 2012, 12:40 GMT +02:00

He is located.

4772. xymonau9 September 2012, 12:57 GMT +02:00

You found him? Where is that scoundrel hiding? More importantly, where is the prize?

4773. gesinek9 September 2012, 16:45 GMT +02:00

He gave a hint, but there's no trace of the prize.

4774. xymonau9 September 2012, 23:20 GMT +02:00

Well, he's about to have his wings clipped, and then if he doesn't return it, MORE will be clipped!

4775. gesinek13 September 2012, 20:25 GMT +02:00

Snip snap,...if he reads this he will be in fear to return

4776. xymonau13 September 2012, 23:25 GMT +02:00

Quake in your boots, little evil moth!

I wish he'd come back. I need that prize money.

4777. gesinek15 September 2012, 14:47 GMT +02:00

I do also. Maybe he only need a little bit of recreation for the hunt for the prize. How old is he?...

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