Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
I don't care if he's young and handsome or old and ugly. He's rich. That's enough for me. Lol!
brrrrr....... such cold calculated behavior makes me shiver
and every fairy tail needs it's wizard
so wiz Priz wiz me we are wizzing away
In this country, "wiz" is amphetamines. Call the police! Christine is feeding a young prize illicit drugs!
And macromouth has no qualms about using a poor little prize for his own greedy plans. Shame! Shame! Shame!
I'm more intrigued by Christine's fairy tail. I bet there's a tale to tell there!
hihihi so you see; not every correction Google gives you is correct : /
just like every other homo sapience I have the rudiments of a tail
although certain Christians think evolution is a fairy tale
and sadly enough they blame the fairies for all wrongdoing in this world
I am a word wizard if I say so myself
Evolution is simply impossible. If everything is simply billions of giant accidents, resulting in clockwork, then I also have a fairy tail.
My winning this game is no fairy tale, however.
@2839 I agree with Dez about Evolution - if our minds are just the product of millions of years of blind chance, then how can we trust them?
Um, but I don't agree about her winning the game though!
okay I give up
there is no talking to orthodox christians
have your prize
bye (for this topic)
I'm far from orthodox, but I'm happy to accept the prize. Thank you, one and all.
Sheesh! From someone who admits to being "far from orthodox" (@2842) that's a bit rich! You can count on me for being all there when it comes to bagging the prize!
I have a pillow of red velvet for him with lace from Brussels around.
He likes it - mucho Macho.
Very nice. But he's allergic to it and has sneezed all the way over to me. Send more paper tissues!
At least I know how to treat a little prize. He hides behind my skirts and hates it when you all look at him.
Gee, how many skirts do you wear? Prize, stiff upper lip now - come here!
Spoken like the hardhearted Englishmoth you are. He says, "Shan't. Can't make me."
@2852 An Englishman - sorry, moth - is stoical, not hardhearted. A strong defender against pointy sticks and disreputable brews being force-fed to defenceless little prizes. Not to be sneezed at! (@2853).
And very clever at those curly English test questions about combining three oblique references in the one paragraph. What a shame you don't live on planet REAL.
I don't sneeze it was prize (in your mind) that sneezes. I saved the tissues for him.
@2855: Which planet? Our sun system?
Huh! I feel ganged up on. Good job I have the Prize with me. We're off on another spending spree. We may be gone some time...