Istockphoto user named mervebirinci publish my picture from sxc.
My first thread about it. I hope the last one
This is my picture:
This is the url reporting the illegal use of my picture ..
I noticed it to
I'm going to notice it to istockphoto also!
I get error 404 Page Not Found
Perhaps it's already been taken care of or just removed.
Just checked your link to it at the other site and it shows there. Not sure of the reason.
Just a few minutes to delete the picture.
You still can see it in his gallery:[{%22type%22:%22Image%22,%22size%22:%22All%22,%22priceOption%22:%221%22},{%22type%22:%22Illustration%20[Vector]%22,%22size%22:%22Vector%20Image%22,%22priceOption%22:%22All%22},{%22type%22:%22Flash%22,%22size%22:%22Flash%20Document%22,%22priceOption%22:%22All%22},{%22type%22:%22Video%22,%22size%22:%22All%22,%22priceOption%22:%221%22},{%22type%22:%22Standard%20Audio%22,%22size%22:%22All%22,%22priceOption%22:%221%22},{%22type%22:%22Pump%20Audio%22,%22size%22:%22All%22,%22priceOption%22:%221%22}]
The seashells picture is mine.
At least iStock acted swiftly. I presume that the image in the gallery will disappear within the next few hours when their server gets updated.
Hi all, I have a big doubt,
I founded this devianart:
The author credit me because all the clocks are mine:
Can this author sell the picture including my clocks? I know clocks are not the main subject of the picture, but I don't like to see my work for sell.
Can you give me your opinion about?
Hi saavem,
As far as I know, the answer is No.
He can't sell it without asking your (and other artists which he had used their materials) special permission, since he took your image from RGBstock, which is a "free for only PERSONAL use stock".
Check your inbox. I've sent you a message about something that may be interesting to you.
Eden's right, Miguel. The DA person needs your permission. It's quite possible that the DAer is unaware she needs permission since she credited you. Just give her a gentle nudge. I usually give retrospective permission for the sale of good manipulations since they tend to be works of art in their own right, especially if the user is gracious about me pointing out the copyright angle.
Thanks Eden & Lynne
I'm going to mail to deviantarts again, They never close the account of the author, they just delete the picture from the offender gallery.
I will inform here again
Best regards.
@ 7 I'm thinking about your mail
30 hours waiting for the deviantarts stuff..... and still waiting!
The picture is still for sell!
It was DA that decided that TouTouke had stolen her own image. Frankly, I have no time for them.
@ 7 and 8 - RGBStock is not just for personal use. Read the Licence. However, permission has to be sought to sell images or derivatives, unless the original is completely unrecognisable.
13@ I never was asked for permission. At this time I am still waiting for DA answer.
@13 You're trying to teach a wolf to suck eggs...
Evil laff.
I can't understand that kind of things or that kind of "artists". Be patient , Miguel.
DA did remove my images from the gallery of someone who was offering them on a DVD for redistribution. He even argued with me that because they were on a free site he could do what he wanted with them. Anyway, I pointed them to the rules, they took a week, but they got back to me and removed the pics. They didn't cancel the account, though.
Dave Ritter and I got ourselves banned by the DA site bunnies a couple of years ago for trying to draw attention to the fact that TouTouke's images were being blatantly ripped off. I think they also banned TouTouke for a time for stealing her own images but she forced a reversal out of them.
There are a lot of great DAers; talented and responsible people. I know because I've met some of them. However, the PTB and the culture of ripping, both deliberate and unknowing that has grown up over there, is nightmarish.
@18 DA did remove my images from the gallery of 3 DA users in the past (not DVD, but yes a few prints). DA just delete the involved pictures, but not the users account. I always mail DA stuff by this matter. Do you want thieves in your home?.... brrrrrrrrrr
@19 I agree there are great talented users in DA, I collaborate with over 10 users who create free DA doing a great job!
Still waiting for DA replay in both tickets!
Finally de DeviantArt is delete from the user account. The account was not closed:
Thank you for contacting deviantART, I will be assisting you with your support ticket.
The content which you have specified has been reviewed and removed by our staff and this member has been issued a written warning and advised of our copyright policy.
Please contact me again if you need any further assistance in this matter.
Thank goodness for that, Miguel. At least they were warned.
I've just had a weird one. I found this on the net: moon/000000730914
I was irate, as I had never heard of the place, let alone uploaded there. Seems it's linked to Fotolia. It's the only image I ever uploaded to a pay site, and I only ever sold one (LOL!), but I really object to having it offered for sale elsewhere without them asking me. I've written to them. I will remove it from Fotolia, too, if I can ever find it there. I only ever tried to upload to see if anyone would accept anything from me. And it's free here in my gallery anyway.
It's just a warning to the DA user. Just my opinion, is not enough!. I know at least 4 DA robber users, at the end they are giving a dirt image from a great place and admin stuff know the situation. It's a pity.
Hi my friends.
I would like to ask for your opinion about this matter:
I found this picture in the cover of a CD:
I contacted to the group, the group was very very kind with me and they sent me a copy of the CD with no charges. This is the CD:
When I read the CD book I found this text:
Caroline Parker - DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY FOR 13th HOUR - for the fantastic artwork.
It's obvious Caroline Parker assume the picture is yours, but she is violating the license agreement on
"7.4 Ownership of the copyright of manipulated, deviated and modified images remains with the image provider and may not be assumed by any other person if the original image is still identifiable in part or in whole."
What can I do about it? I don't like anyone rob me the picture and use it as yours.
Can you help me about it?
Can RGBStock do something about it?
Best regards and thanks you all.
I have had a few covers designed from images sourced from my gallery - but they left a credit line. I feel that's the best way to go about, you deserved a credit line especially, since there isn't much by the way of artwork there - the image is pretty much it!