Hello to all the members of RGBStock!!
Thank you Jay and Lenny for all the hard work you put into writing this beautiful site and making it work. Thanks to all the dedicated people who came together from different regions of the world to make this dream a reality.
I send my sincerest welcome to all the members who have joined with RGBStock and I look forward to a long and wonderful experience on this site.
The forum brings us together into one place where we can share our experiences and accomplishments and where we can express ourselves directly with the members and staff of RGBStock.
This is a new beginning together that we can all be proud of.
OK life begins again.....Great work by all you guys, thanks to all concerned.
RGB is going to be a force to be reckoned with very soon.
We intend to make this the best free micro-stock site on the internet and we are hard on our way with your help.
Welcome and thank you all ;-)
Wow! A forum without censorship! Woohooooooooo!
Nice work Jay and friends of Jay. And thank you so much for giving us this fantastic site.
Thank you too to everyone who has come on board and is uploading quality pics. With your help we intend to build up anew what has been lost to us. This time there will be no buy-out!
Hey, folks ! Thanks and congratulations for the great work.
@6 Lobot wouldn't be happy here, he couldn't lock a topic when he didn't like the comments....
I'm heading on back over to sxc to invite some more people and Lobot won't be one of them! :)
(over 300 invites just yesterday, I checked the stats)
More people have got to see this. It looks beautiful on my screen! By comparison, the sxc forum now looks so small and gray.
Yeah, it feels good to be part of this site.
Suggestion: I'm missing a page on who is running this site. That would be a nice place where it could be explained what it means to have an independant home for our photos.
It's great to be here! Congratulations to everyone! Our new home is working great!
Hi, thank you for the invite crisderaud to join you all here at RGB! it all looks fresh and lovely, and very friendly which is nice indeed!
I am in the process of uploading my images and have to say that they are coming throug thick and fast! I know that in future acceptance time might take a little longer so I will profit from it now :)
I take it that it is going to be a straightforward download system without people asking permission to use the image?
One thing - is it at all possible to have a "reply" on the comments that we recieve I am on Redbubble and Zazzle and find it really helps the community spirit and to keep in touch with people that download the images?? Only an idea seeing as it's a new site and making improvements can sometimes just add that little extra :)
Thanks again and I look forward to a new era here :)
p.s have already passed on the new site details to my hubby (webbie) and some of his colleagues :)
Hello, folks. Thanks for the new site and thanks for the invitation. It's nice to be here.
Thank you for the support and suggestions, even the questions.
We still have a number of things to do to complete this project, but most things are in place.
I also have a forum-announcement. I edited some posts (normally I wouldn't even dare to touch them) but we had a " and ' problem and I fixed the existing messages.
So if you notice a change, it should just be an improvement. :-)
I also implemented the suggestion from crisderaud so paragraphs now work better.
We can also use your help, in the newbie chat catagory of the forum someone is asking about why he/she should use this site instead of sxc. I'm sure you all can explain it even better then I can.
From all those suggestions we can then make a FAQ or about-page.
First of all, thanks for the invitation!
Congratulations with this great site, it's clean and clear. Just like it should be.
Thanks for inviting me. You have done a great job with this site!
Its wonderful, my feets fits under the table just perfect, A BIG congratulations to the hard working team that created this fantastic new site, I for one applaud your dogged determination on this, and wish rgbstock.com all the best for the future. Mike :o)
Aahh, this is so much easier to understand. To hell with google groups! :D
I better go find my good old avatar somewhere...
hi everyone i am looking forward to the developing of this website
keep uploading images...
ps: thanks for your invitation on sxc my name was konr4d. KonArt is much better;)
Stunning SXC import function! Saved me a lot of upload time to start building the RGBstock gallery. Thanks also for quickest ever approval process!
Fantastic!!! Well done guys, specially Jay , Lennie and... Crisderaud, I am proud to be here.