Up to date news on what our developers are working on and where they are at.
@121: indeed I noticed it too. We need a 'personal downloaded' page or something.
Jay, I tested the page-jump on our gallery page and it works fine. Thanks!
A page with the last downloads of the logged-in user would be great. I support this idea, too.
A huge page with last downloads ... Over the hour my images has been downloaded 100 times. :P
@122 that would be good - with dates of when images downloaded! a bit like the comments page maybe?
Yesterday was our busiest day ever! People came from all over. We signed up lots of new members and Google Analytics even extended the parameters of our chart to be able to fit the tall spike in activity we had yesterday!
People are coming in from all over. The word is getting around!!
Indeed it is! See a screen capture of the Analytics page.
You see the page views between January 1 and May 5 2010
The fontman put our link in his newsletter that has almost 13,000 subscribers. That helped.
Cris, I noticed your comment on Flickr:
'Dan, if I got you the values, could you run us a linear regression analysis of the data and determine the slope?'
I truly am completely out of my depth...!
Twenty five years ago we did the math by hand Jon. Now you can buy a simple graphing calculator that whips it out in a flash.
Imagine drawing a straight line through the points of a graph that precisely calculates the rise or fall of the data for two variables. In our case the variables would be time on the X-axis and site traffic on the y-axis. Run this data through the formula for the rule of least squares and we can calculate the angle of the line or the slope of the line.
Add a variable that is squared and we will have a parametric regression where the line is curved. Add a third factor and we have a three dimensional graph. Variables can keep being added and the results of the regression analysis will give the the correlation factors which indicate which factor affects the results the most. Takes the guess work out of making marketing and economic decisions.
There you go, Jon. Put simply like that, it just seems obvious doesn't it.
Oh & in answer to your question, Cris - er, no I don't think I could...
It is great to see that we are now able to see the list of photos recently downloaded from our gallery. Very helpful, this feature!
yes, great, but the thumbnails are not showing (just grey squares)
Strange, Lusi. With Firefox I see the thumbnails. Which Browser do you use?
I am sorry Sanja, You are right, I made a mistake. The problem is solved now. Thank you for reporting it.
I found a new scientific information site that does computational math and complex formulas. We now have linear regression capabilities by only entering the x,y values of the data.
Activity at rgbstock has been solid and steadily rising. Membership has increased in the month of May with new visitor percentage at over 37 percent.
Alexa has us listed at 232,000 now.
You have all noticed the download numbers I am sure. I like looking at the list of most recently downloaded which gives me a good understanding of what people are looking for. (Yes, food is in the list quite often!) It's also good seeing the familiar names of photographers on many of the photos.
Things are really starting to pick up speed and are worth mentioning. The work Lennie is currently doing on the search function should result in notable improvements available soon.
http://screencast.com/t/MzYxNDA2 Screenshot of analytics
New visitors over 40 percent!
17,000 visits per month up from 15,000
214,000 page views
12.5 pages per visit
This month of May has been very good for new membership and increased usage of the site. We must have what people are looking for :)
also, from Alexa http://screencast.com/t/OWY3MjJjZWY
210,298 World rank
93,908 in USA (under 100,000 which is the first goal)
420 percent gain in last 3 months!!
This is brilliantly encouraging news, Cris, and a credit to all the hard work that the team has put in. Well done all!